
博彩平台网址大全的公共卫生硕士教师带来了重大的影响, current, and relevant working knowledge from the field of healthcare to incorporate into the classroom. 在下面的教师简介中了解更多关于教师的信息.




Dr. Marissa Brash holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Biochemistry from the University of San Francisco, 罗玛林达大学生物统计学公共卫生硕士学位, 洛马林达大学流行病学公共卫生博士学位, 并希望获得教育学博士学位, Brain, 在约翰霍普金斯大学任教. 她还获得了国家公共卫生审查员委员会的公共卫生认证. Dr. Brash对教学充满热情,同时也致力于课程设计, 认证标准, 程序的实现, 评价, 和评估. She is interested in integrating curriculum through interprofessional education efforts between the public health, nursing, 卫生行政, business, 数学, 以及高等教育医疗保健的社会和行为健康部门. 她的研究兴趣集中在公共卫生中的卫生公平, 重点是基于表观遗传学的自身免疫公共卫生预防, neuroeducation, 粮食不安全. 另外, 她是全球基因医学科学顾问委员会的成员, 一个服务于罕见疾病社区的非营利组织.




Dr. 罗伯特·托德·凯恩, an accomplished healthcare and business professional with a diverse background in business leadership, 医疗保健管理和运营, 人力资源, 高等教育, 他在医疗保健部门和学术界拥有超过二十年的经验. With an impressive array of academic accomplishments including an EdD in Higher 教育 Leadership, 医疗管理的MBA学位, 以及其他多个高级学位, Dr. Kane has cultivated a robust understanding of the intersection between healthcare systems and organizational leadership. 他担任一家全国性公司的总裁兼首席执行官, 联合委员会认证, 医疗人力资源, 人事招聘公司, 同时担任各种医疗保健组织的高级管理职务, 强调他推动战略举措的能力, 确保卓越运作, 促进组织成长.

Dr. 凯恩在医疗保健方面的丰富经验, 无论是在公共部门还是私营部门, has allowed him the opportunity to work with various stakeholders to enhance healthcare delivery, 推动结果和成果, 策略性地改善病人的生活, 员工, 和社区. Dr. Kane驾驭复杂医疗监管环境的能力无人能及. 他吸引利益相关者的能力, 监督预算和财务运作, 分析和处理数据, and address challenges with a solutions-oriented approach has contributed greatly to his success.

在他的学术生涯中. Kane has served in various faculty and leadership positions at esteemed institutions of higher learning. His expertise in instructional design and curriculum development has enabled him to create and deliver innovative, learner-centered educational experiences focused on continuous quality improvement and positive student outcomes. Dr. Kane's dedication to professional development and student success is evident in his award-winning teaching and the positive feedback from his students. Dr. Kane is a Certified Course Reviewer for Quality Matters and has built and evaluated numerous courses with a focus on quality. Dr. Kane has served as a subject-matter expert and written and developed dozens of courses over the years.

Dr. Kane is a dedicated faculty member with a unique ability to focus on both student success and organizational/departmental success. 他在课程和项目开发方面的工作, 教育的有效性, 各种各样的机构倡议证明了他增加价值的能力, 解决复杂问题, 并确保他的学生和同事的成功.





  • Ph.D. St. 圣路易斯路易斯大学. 路易斯,莫
  • M.Div. 圣康考迪亚神学院. 路易斯,莫
  • B.A. 瓦尔帕莱索大学,瓦尔帕莱索,印第安纳州


  • 康考迪亚大学欧文分校:教授,2019 -至今
  • 康考迪亚大学欧文分校:副教授,2015 - 2019
  • 康考迪亚大学欧文分校:助理教授,2011 - 2015
  • 锡安路德教会,玻利瓦尔,密苏里州:牧师,2003 - 2011


  • 圣召教义
  • 教会、国家和公共生活
  • 政治思想



  • Editor, 田园神学, by C. F. W. Walther. 《博彩平台网址大全》(St. 路易斯:康考迪亚出版社,2017)
  • “C. F. W. 沃尔克·斯托尔的《博彩平台网址大全》. In 该机构Apostolica 10, no. 1(2002年5月):38-40.
  • “Kant’s Idea of Peace and the Philosophic Concept of a World Republic,” by Matthias Lutz-Bachmann. In 永久和平:康德的世界主义理想论, ed. 詹姆斯·博曼和马蒂亚斯·卢茨-巴赫曼,59-77岁. 剑桥:麻省理工学院出版社,1997.


  • “由谁以及如何召唤。? 关于圣召结构的思考.” 肯考迪娅杂志 49, no. 1(冬季2023):35-46.
  •  《路德,天职与对意义的追寻.” 路德的季度 35 (2021): 50–72. Robert Benne, Suzanne Hequet和Kiara Jorgenson的回答.
  • 路德教会大学的告白.康考迪亚神学杂志 7, no. 1(冬季2020):60-76.
  • 黑格尔的《希腊直接性批判.” 黑格尔公告 42, no. 2 (2021): 157–79. (最初由剑桥大学出版社在线出版,12月11日. 26, 2018.)
  • 贡献者, 小要理问答的灵修. St. 路易斯:康科迪亚出版社,2019
  • 《以了解自己的方式为人所知:身份、政治与福音.” 基督教教育问题 48, no. 3(2015年夏季). http://issues.cune.edu/the-lgbt-disputes-teaching-and-practice-in-the-church-2/the-lgbt-disputes-teaching-and-practice-in-the-church/
  • “什么是十字架神学?.”栏. LEA塑造未来 (2014年夏季). http://stf.lea.org/summer2014/feat1schumacher.html.
  • 《福音的功用:具体应用福音的三种方法.” 肯考迪娅杂志 36, no. 1(冬季2010):21-31.


  • 比喻领袖指南. Brian Chisamore编辑. 生命之光查经系列. St. 路易斯:康考迪亚出版社,2013.
  • 1和2国王领袖指南 (讲座). Brian Chisamore编辑. 生命之光查经系列. St. 路易斯:康考迪亚出版社,2013.
  • 天堂与地狱. Brian Chisamore编辑. 生命之光查经系列. 康科迪亚出版社,2012.
  • 约翰福音1、2、3章. Brian Chisamore编辑. 生命之光查经系列. St. 路易斯:康科迪亚出版社,2012.




Dr. Sinardi拥有St. 加州州立大学心理咨询硕士学位, 长滩. 她于2006年成为持牌婚姻和家庭治疗师. 2011年,Dr。. Sinardi completed her Doctor of 教育 degree in Organizational Leadership at the University of La Verne.


Dr. Catherine Sinardi是医疗保健项目主任, 医疗保健管理文学学士(传统和在线), 医疗管理硕士, 以及公共卫生硕士. 作为一名副教授, 她在上述项目中开发并教授各种课程. She currently serves on the board of directors for the Healthcare Executives of Southern California as the Chair of Academic Affairs. 以前, she was Regional Director of Clinical Services at Children’s Institute and Director of Quality Assurance and Program Evaluation at Counseling4Kids, 都在大洛杉矶地区. She also worked in private practice as a licensed counselor and held various administrative positions at ChildNet Youth and Family Services in 长滩.


  • Ed.D. 组织领导,拉凡恩大学
  • 加州州立大学长滩分校MFT咨询


  • Scheinfeld E., Barney, K.甘吉,K.纳尔逊,E. & Sinardi C. (2021). 填补空白:在社会孤立的全球流行病期间的悲伤和治愈. 社会与个人关系杂志.
  • Scheinfeld E.甘吉,K.纳尔逊,E. & Sinardi C. (2021). 请在心中尖叫:COVID-19大流行期间的复合损失和应对. 健康传播


    • Scheinfeld E., Barney, K.甘吉,K.纳尔逊,E. & Sinardi C. (审查). 在复杂的悲痛中前进:COVID-19相关损失后的沟通复原力. 社会与个人关系杂志.




Dr. 塔雅·沃兹尼亚克对公共卫生的跨学科领域很感兴趣, 特别是健康传播. 在卫生传播领域, her research primarily focuses on combatting the spread of and belief in health misinformation. She is currently examining primary care physician message strategies in correcting patient-held health misinformation. Her goal is to provide translational research on health misinformation and strategic health communication, with specific attention to health disparities and individuals facing significant health disadvantages.

除了博士. 沃兹的教育背景, she has several years of experience working in the nonprofit sector serving under-resourced communities through programmatic design, 管理, 和评估. She is passionate about encouraging the progression of health quality and access by improving health communication and promoting the empowerment of individuals for behavior change. It is her goal to educationally equip people with the necessary life skills to be competent in health situations.


  • B.S. Azusa太平洋大学,分子生物学
  • M.P.H. 加州大学欧文分校,健康中的社会文化多样性
  • Ph.D. 查普曼大学健康与战略传播专业





罗尼·格拉德是一名退休的儿科肺科医生. He received his undergraduate and medical degrees from Boston University and spent most of his career in academics. 另外, 他是亚利桑那州图森市卡特琳娜路德教会(LCMS)的成员, 在那里他是一个受委任的世俗执事, 并担任生命团队的主席. 另外, he serves as Life Coordinator of the English District of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod. Finally, 他是路德会终身理事会的秘书, 并担任立场声明小组委员会和生活用语指导委员会主席. 他的兴趣是通过圣经和路德教信条的视角来研究生命伦理学.




接受Ph值后.D. 2013年从亚利桑那大学(University of Arizona)获得哲学学位. 詹妮弗Zamzow completed a two-year post-doctoral fellowship in ethics and cognition in the Department of Philosophy and the Center for Ethics and Policy at Carnegie Mellon University. Dr. Zamzow发表了关于道德直觉多样性的著作, 医学决策中的情感预测, 有神论的伦理, 以及我们如何运用道德准则, 道德直觉, and cost-benefit analysis affect the way we interpret moral requirements for ourselves and for others. 她还写过关于道德问题的文章 华盛顿邮报, 今日基督教, and 旅居者.


  • B.A.阿苏苏太平洋大学哲学与心理学博士
  • Ph.D.他在亚利桑那大学主修哲学,辅修认知科学