
Alumni Brew Up Success in Coffee Industry: Naysayer Coffee

2022年6月25日 - 6分钟阅读

Alumniweds Chris ‘11, MA ‘14, 和 Beth ‘13 Vecera found their vocations in coffee.

克里斯Vecera ' 11, MA ’14, was driving home from work one day in Orange County when he felt it was time to go all in on his 和 his wife Beth’s ’13 dream of starting a coffee roasting company. 在数周内, the Veceras left their jobs to move to Napa 和 start Naysayer Coffee, 一家咖啡烘焙工坊.

“这是我们一直在谈论的事情,”贝丝说. “我们2009年在康科迪亚相识,一直都很喜欢咖啡. 我们在咖啡馆里里外外工作.”

贝丝和她来自罗克林的双胞胎妹妹, 萨克拉门托附近, 跟着他们的兄弟去了康科迪亚, 贝丝学习的地方 神学. “我爱我的。 哲学人类学 classes,” she says, recalling Professor Jack Schultz’s 人类学 of religion class specifically. “Dr. Schultz loved what he did so much, 和 I think about that all the time. He was so passionate about teaching 和 discussing the idea of culture 和 人类学 和 religion.”

In 2009, Chris traveled with former 欧文康考迪亚大学 professor Adam Lee on what became the prototype trip for the 环球学期® 程序. Chris 和 other Concordia students taught English in Kenya, Ug和a, Rw和a, 和 Tanzania. 当他回来的时候,他遇到了贝丝,一个大一新生 喊! 敬拜 服务. 这种关系不断发展,包括他们一起打球 极限飞盘 在一个即兴的俱乐部队里.


那时,咖啡已经出现在人们的视野中了. 克里斯本科时在皮特餐厅工作, then took a job at Bodhi Leaf Coffee where he learned to roast beans after he 和 Beth were married.

“It was always an idea, maybe even the ideal for us when we first got married,” Beth says. “‘One day we’ll have our own coffee company, 和 it’ll be awesome.’他会说,‘我们就这么做吧. Let’s leave our two full-time jobs 和 start something insane, something for which we have passion.’”

But the dream lingered in the background as they started a family in SoCal. 贝丝在圣. Paul’s Lutheran, 和 Chris taught New Testament at Orange Lutheran High School. 他还获得了硕士学位 神学 from Concordia 和 served as youth director at their church.

梦想实现的那一天终于到来了. 贝丝怀上了他们的第二个孩子, 维塞拉一家想要离纳帕的家人近一点, 克里斯长大的地方. 他们收拾行装, 移动, 并开始认真地开展业务, extensively researching everything from roasting equipment to the local 和 national marketplace.

纳帕的核心是一个农业小镇, which is pretty cool because locals support local business,克里斯说. “在过去的三年里,我们感受到了这种爱.”

The hardest part early on, they say, was coming up with a catchy, one-word name. They finally settled on Naysayer, a nod to the “naysayer in your head that doubts the dream.” “Sometimes a negative br和 becomes the most memorable,” says Chris. “很难忘记我们的名字.”

They 移动 the company into a production roastery in November 2018 和 launched their wholesale business in early 2019 after Chris perfected his technique on a Loring 15-kilogram roaster.

“Quality 和 consistency are important in the specialty coffee business,” he says.

“If something is 10 or 15 seconds off here or there, it’s ruined, basically.”

就在他们加速的时候, state 和 local governments shut down businesses in response to the Covid outbreak, Naysayer看起来就像它的名字一样. 由于批发账户关闭,生意陷入停滞.

咖啡是一个全球性的社区. 这是一个非常美丽的东西.

Quickly, the Veceras pivoted to retail 和 home deliveries to make money.

“这是一个巨大的转变,”贝丝说. 他们把本地烘焙的咖啡豆卖给市场, 熟食店, 还有镇上的杂货店, 和 sold bottled lattes online 和 delivered them to people’s front doors. 结果是在零售业取得了意想不到的早期成功. As stores re-opened, the Veceras then built an espresso cart which brought in more income.

这个梦经受住了猛烈的逆风, today the Veceras are opening their first brick-和-mortar shop in a mall in south Napa. 克里斯的烤肉继续卖给餐馆, 酒庄, 和 grocery stores up 和 down the Napa valley 和 to online subscribers throughout the nation.

Naysayer offers nine roasts 和 produces 600 lbs of coffee beans per week.

“我们肯定在成长,”克里斯说. “The wholesale is back, 和 we’re almost done building our own shop. 我们喜欢成为一家社区咖啡店的想法.贝丝补充说:“在纳帕,你可以吸引很多游客。.

克里斯说,咖啡“连接了整个世界. One of my favorite quotes about coffee is that it’s the most global thing you do every day.” 

It also brings people together socially 和 spiritually, he observes.


“Coffee connects people in a low-stress, approachable way,” he says. “I like hanging out 和 talking with people in a non-Christianese, real-life sort of way. 喝咖啡是开始谈话的好方法.”

He especially enjoys sourcing 和 sampling high-quality coffee beans, 和 Naysayer highlights the farmers who grow the coffee beans 和 tells their stories.

“It’s their product that we’re taking 和 passing along,克里斯说. “咖啡是一个全球性的社区, 来自农民, 危地马拉的一家加工厂, 危地马拉的一个卡车司机, 船司机, 码头工人, 美国卡车司机, 美国的仓库——在我收到之前. 我们都在一起. 这是一个非常美丽的东西.”

Chris says coffee roasting 和 teaching give him the same sense of satisfaction because both involve connecting with people in a meaningful way.

“I used to do that through teaching the New Testament, 和 now I do it through coffee,” he says.

他和Beth引用了Dr. Rod Rosenbladt as a formative influence on them at Concordia. “That man was basically my gr和pa,克里斯说 with a laugh. “I’ve never met someone so cranky 和 loving at the same time.”

“He’s changed a lot of lives, 和 ours would be on that list,” says Beth. “The way the man looks at the gospel 和 talks about Jesus.”

克里斯还引用了 C.J. 阿姆斯特朗, 他的希腊教授, 以及前教授科瑞·马斯, 他教历史神学, who both “had this way of welcoming you into this conversation even though they were clearly more experienced 和 knowledgeable. 社区的对话引导了我的生活方式. 这绝对是我在康科迪亚学到的.”

韦塞拉夫妇有两个孩子,一个5岁,一个3岁. John’s Lutheran Church in Napa, the church Chris grew up in.

“The only thing I ever wanted to be was a mom,” Beth says. “I loved working at the church 和 the coffee shop, but I’m a mom now. 这就是我找到快乐的地方.”

For Chris, “Starting a business is kind of crazy, but I love what we’re doing.到目前为止,唱反调的人都错了.

