

2021年3月11日,美国总统签署了美国救援计划(ARP)。. 教育部获得了额外的资金,分配给高等教育机构,以防止, 为......准备, 并通过高等教育紧急救援基金第三期(HEERF III)应对冠状病毒.

康考迪亚大学欧文分校是HEERF第三阶段4,761,375美元资金的受益者. At least $2,396,150 will be used to provide direct aid payments to students. 康考迪亚大学欧文分校承认该指令已使用CRRSAA和ARP (a)(1)项下指定的申请资金的认证和协议,以提供紧急财政援助赠款.

大约4,600 students are eligible to receive emergency grants, 哪些可以用于学生出勤费用的任何组成部分,或用于因冠状病毒引起的紧急费用, 比如学费, 食物, 住房, health care (including mental health care) or child care. These funds may be used to pay tuition.


在2019冠状病毒病国家紧急状态期间,所有在高等教育机构就读或就读的学生都有资格获得高等教育基金的紧急经济援助资助, regardless of whether they completed a FAFSA or are eligible for Title IV. 包括公民, 永久居民, 难民, 寻求庇护者, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA) recipients, 其他的梦想家, similar undocumented students, and international students.

然而, institutions must ensure that funds go to students who have 特殊的需要, prioritizing domestic students, 尤其是大学生, in allocating this funding. 特殊需要学生包括获得佩尔助学金或其他联邦或州需求援助的学生. 特殊学生也可能包括有特殊经济状况的本科生, such as loss of employment, 减少收入, or 食物 or 住房 insecurity.

如果符合条件, 学生将通过直接存入档案中的银行账户或通过支票收到资金. 这笔款项将以与学生目前从康考迪亚大学欧文分校收到的款项相同的方式发送.e. payroll, reimbursement or refunds). 

To expedite receipt of funds, we recommend students sign up for direct deposit and/or verify that your mailing address is accurate in MyRecords.

ARP Frequently Asked Questions

什么是ARP ??

The American Rescue Plan (ARP) was signed into law on March 11, 2021年总统, 授权39美元.6 billion in support for education. Emergency funds available to institutions and their students now total $76.2 billion between ARP, CRRSAA, and CARES.

How is ARP different than CRRSAA?

Unlike the CRRSAA definition of “student” which excluded international, DACA, 梦想家, 无证学生, 新冠肺炎国家紧急状态期间,所有在高等教育机构注册的学生都有资格获得紧急经济援助, regardless of completion of a FASFA or eligibility for Title IV. 然而,学校必须继续确保资金流向有特殊需要的学生.

与CRRSAA的要求相比,ARP还增加了必须用于向学生提供紧急补助金的资金份额. 机构补助金的一部分必须用于根据公共卫生准则实施循证实践,以监测和抑制冠状病毒,并直接向经济援助申请人宣传由于家庭成员最近失业而获得经济援助调整的机会, 独立的学生, 或者其他情况, 在ARP下.

Do I need to apply for the ARP (HEERF III) emergency grants?


Once the initial block grant funds are distributed, 大学将决定分配第三次高等教育资助基金剩余学生助学金的方法. More information regarding this process will be available shortly. 同时,我们建议学生注册直接存款,以加快资金的收到.

Are international students eligible for ARP (HEERF III) grants?

是的, under the ARP definition of “student,“所有在宣布冠状病毒国家紧急状态之日(3月13日)或之后入学的学生, 2020年)是合格的, including international students. Priority will be given to students with 特殊的需要.

Are DACA or undocumented students eligible for ARP (HEERF III) grants?

是的, under the ARP definition of “student,“所有在宣布冠状病毒国家紧急状态之日(3月13日)或之后入学的学生, 2020年)是合格的, including DACA recipients, 其他的梦想家, and similar undocumented students. Priority will be given to students with 特殊的需要.

参加专门在线课程的学生是否有资格获得ARP (HEERF III)资助?


How much emergency grant can I expect to receive?

An initial block grant will be distributed to students with Pell eligibility in August. The amount for these grants has not been determined.

For all other emergency grants awarded, CUI will give priority to students with 特殊的需要 on a case-by-case basis.

How will students receive funds?

符合条件的学生将通过直接存入档案中的银行账户或通过支票收到资金. 这笔款项将以与学生目前从CUI收到的款项相同的方式发送.e. payroll, reimbursement or refunds). 


Are there enrollment requirements?

是的. 您必须在COVID-19国家紧急情况期间注册为学生,才有资格获得HEERF的紧急经济援助补助金, regardless of completion of a FAFSA or are eligibility for Title IV.

Will emergency cash grants be applied to my current fall 2021 bill?

而CUI不允许自动将紧急补助金申请到学生帐户, 学生如有结余,可使用该基金支付本学期的学费. If the student does not currently have an outstanding tuition balance, the grant can also be used to pay tuition in future semesters.

Do students have to repay ARP (HEERF III) emergency grants?

No. Emergency grants are a grant from the federal government. It is not a student loan and does not have to be repaid.

Will ARP (HEERF III) funds be taxable income for students?

No. Similarly to the 关心行为 and CRSAA emergency grants, these emergency funds provided to students will not be considered as taxable income. 正如美国国税局与《正规博彩网站排名亚洲体育博彩平台》有关的规定:“根据《正规博彩网站排名亚洲体育博彩平台》,紧急财政援助拨款用于意外开支, 未满足的财政需要, 或因COVID-19大流行而导致校园运营中断的相关费用……是《正规博彩网站排名亚洲体育博彩平台》第139条规定的合格救灾支付. This grant is not includible in your gross income".

Where can I find additional information regarding ARP (HEERF III) funds?

请浏览 Department of Education’s website, which lists frequently asked questions regarding ARP (HEERF III).

资金 & 支出报告

Under the American Rescue Plan (ARP), Concordia University Irvine received $4,761,375 in funding through the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund Phase III (HEERF III), committing to provide no less than $2,396,其中150笔紧急拨款直接用于生活和教育因冠状病毒爆发而中断的学生, prioritizing those students with 特殊的需要.

In an effort to distribute funds quickly to the students with 特殊的需要, block funding will be used for the distribution of HEERF III grants. To determine which students receive initial, block emergency grants and how much they would receive under Section 314(a)(1) or ARP, 康考迪亚大学欧文分校将为3月13日或之后入学的符合佩尔助学金条件的学生创建一个分配公式, 2021. 特殊需要将使用以下公式确定:出席费用减去预期家庭捐款(EFC)减去所有来源的总捐赠援助=剩余需要. Once Pell Grant eligible students are determined at the beginning of August, emergency grants will be awarded, 哪些可以用于学生出勤费用的任何组成部分,或用于因冠状病毒引起的紧急费用, 比如学费, 食物, 住房, health care (including mental health care) or child care.

Once the initial, block emergency grants are distributed to the students identified with 特殊的需要, 大学将决定分配第三次高等教育资助基金剩余学生助学金的方法.

Emergency Grants to Students under Section 314(a)(1) of ARP
Total Amount of Funds Received $2,397,892
Total Amount of Funds Distributed $2,396,150
Estimated Total Number of Eligible Students 4,600
Total Number of Students Who Have Received an Emergency Grant


Quarterly Budget and 支出报告

Originally posted on July 9, 2021
Updated on January 10, 2023
