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Office of Business Intelligence



The Office of Business Intelligence at Concordia University provides analytical decision support services to university administration and faculty as well as various other university constituents. 它的主要功能是作为高效收集的催化剂, analysis, and dissemination of data pertaining to the university. It is the repository of all institutional related data. It also collaborates with the university’s Educational Effectiveness Committee in designing and implementing assessment systems for academic programs, co-curricular activities, and staff departments. The Office of Business Intelligence fulfills its mission by serving as the focal point of university data and by conducting and supporting various studies pertaining to institutional improvement. 虽然该办公室进行了大量的独立研究, a significant amount of the office’s resources are devoted to the support of university administration, committees, departments, faculty, and staff.


The Office of Business Intelligence at Concordia University Irvine will be the trusted source of actionable insights and strategic guidance, empowering Concordia University's stakeholders to make informed decisions and drive continuous improvement through the efficient collection, analysis, and dissemination of institutional data.


Values for the Office of Business Intelligence at Concordia University guided by the Association for Institutional Research’s Statement of Ethical Principles:

  • 精益求精:力求数据收集的卓越品质, analysis, 并为传播提供准确可靠的决策支持服务.
  • Collaboration: Foster partnerships and collaborative relationships with university administration, faculty, committees, 并推动工作人员有效考核制度和制度的完善.
  • Integrity: Uphold the highest standards of ethical conduct, confidentiality, 以及处理和管理机构数据的数据安全.
  • 创新:采用创新技术和方法来加强数据收集, analysis, and reporting processes, 保持在商业智能实践的前沿.
  • Accountability: Take responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, and timeliness of data collected and ensure transparency in reporting and communication with stakeholders.
  • Continuous Improvement: Strive for continuous learning and improvement in data collection methodologies, analytical techniques, 以及提供决策支持服务,以满足大学不断变化的需求.
  • Empowerment: Empower university stakeholders with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively leverage data, 在整个机构内培养数据素养和促进数据知情文化.

Department Objectives/Assessment Plan

  1. 目的:评价数据收集过程的有效性
    Assessment Methods:
    • 审查数据收集协议和程序,以确定任何差距或效率低下
    • 对利益相关者进行调查或访谈,以收集有关易用性的反馈, accuracy, and comprehensiveness of data collection
    • 与既定目标相比,分析所收集数据的及时性和完整性
    Assessment Methods:
    • 审查和更新数据收集协议和程序的百分比
    • 利益相关者对数据收集过程的满意度调查结果
    • Timeliness and completeness metrics of collected data
  2. 目的:评估数据分析和报告的质量和有用性
    Assessment Methods:
    • Evaluate the accuracy, relevance, and comprehensiveness of data analysis and reporting outputs
    • Conduct feedback sessions or interviews with key stakeholders to gather their perception of the usefulness and clarity of the provided insights
    • 将基于数据分析的建议或决策与实际结果进行比较
    Assessment Methods:
    • 数据分析和报告输出的准确性和相关性
    • 涉众对见解的有用性和清晰度的反馈
    • 数据驱动的建议与实际结果之间的一致性
  3. 目的:衡量数据传播过程的有效性
    Assessment Methods:
    • Assess the accessibility and usability of disseminated data by conducting user testing or surveys
    • Monitor data dissemination timelines and evaluate the effectiveness of communication channels used
    • 收集利益相关者对传播数据的格式和可理解性的反馈
    Assessment Methods:
    • 用户对数据可访问性和可用性的满意度评级
    • Timeliness metrics for data dissemination
    • 利益相关者对传播数据的格式和可理解性的反馈
  4. Objective: Evaluate the impact of the Office of Business Intelligence's collaboration with University committees
    Assessment Methods:
    • 审查学术课程评估系统的设计和实施, co-curricular activities, and staff departments
    • 分析评估结果用于决策和改进的程度
    • 从涉众那里收集关于协作工作的价值和有效性的反馈
    Assessment Methods:
    • 考核体系设计与实施评审结果
    • Utilization of assessment results in decision-making
    • 涉众对合作成果的价值和有效性的反馈
  5. 目的:评估商业情报办公室研究计划的影响
    Assessment Methods:
    • 分析由办公室进行的独立研究的结果和影响
    • 收集利益相关者对研究结果的相关性和适用性的反馈
    • 监督研究建议的采纳和实施
    Assessment Methods:
    • Outcomes and impacts of independent research studies
    • 利益相关者对研究结果的相关性和适用性的反馈
    • 研究建议的采纳或执行率
  6. 目的:衡量大学利益相关者的数据素养和意识水平
    Assessment Methods:
    • Conduct surveys or assessments to gauge the knowledge and understanding of data-related concepts among stakeholders
    • 评估数据素养培训计划或提供的资源的有效性
    • 监测利益攸关方对数据知情决策做法的利用情况
    Assessment Methods:
    • Data literacy assessment results
    • 评估数据素养培训计划或资源

Committee/Taskforce Work

  • Academic Council - current
  • Educational Effectiveness Committee - current
  • Retention and Persistence Committee - current
  • Institutional Review Board (IRB) - current
  • Data Governance Committee - current
  • Data Stewardship Working Group - current
  • DGC: Information Quality Taskforce - current
  • DGC: Policies and Standards - current
  • LMS Review Taskforce - concluded
  • Cost of Instruction Taskforce - concluded
  • Program Prioritization Taskforce - concluded

Meet Our Staff

  • Neben, Jason Neben, Jason
  • Associate Vice President, Data and Technology

Dr. Jason K. Neben

Neben, Jason

Associate Vice President, Data and Technology


Dr. Jason K. Neben is currently serving as the Associate Vice President of Data and Technology at Concordia University Irvine. 他是该大学数据治理委员会的创始主席. Dr. Neben持有Concordia University Irvine的数学文学学士学位, earned in 1994, a Master of Arts in Education obtained in 2007, 2017年获得诺瓦东南大学教育学博士学位. In his previous roles, 贾森对大学的发展做出了重大贡献, 曾担任创新教学和电子学习办公室的执行主任, as well as the Senior Director of New Program Development. 他的领导能力延伸到带头发起各种倡议, including the LMS Review Taskforce, showcasing his commitment to advancing educational technology and innovative instructional methods.

Ryan Jones

Director, Data Integration Services


Ryan Jones graduated from Concordia University Irvine in 2008 and began his career in IT in 2009. 他之前的职位包括Banner数据分析师和Banner项目经理.

  • Lee, Deborah Lee, Deborah
  • Senior Director, Institutional Research & Effectiveness
    WSCUC Accreditation Liaison Officer

Deborah Lee

Lee, Deborah

Senior Director, Institutional Research & Effectiveness
WSCUC Accreditation Liaison Officer


Deborah Lee is the Senior Director of Institutional Research and Effectiveness and Accreditation Liaison Officer (ALO) at Concordia University Irvine. 她的学术背景是犯罪学、社会学和研究方法. 她于2011年进入该大学,负责机构研究, assessment, regional accreditation, and specialized accreditation. As an alumna of the WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC) Assessment Leadership Academy, Deborah also serves as an IPEDS Educator for the Association for Institutional Research (AIR) and was elected to the Board of Directors for the California Association for Institutional Research Board (CAIR) for a second term. In addition to her administrative role, 黛博拉还担任艺术与科学学院的兼职教员.

Emil Cheng

Cheng, Emil

Senior Data Analyst


Emil Cheng joined Concordia University Irvine in the Advancement Office starting in 2002 as the Assistant Director of Donor Records & Analysis. He later joined the Finance Office in 2005 in Accounts Receivables and would go on to become the Payroll Manager in 2006. Subsequently, 他将于2013年加入IT部门,目前负责构建数据块, dashboards, 以及主要使用PL/SQL在visions Argos中编写的特别报告.

Kevin Pla

Pla, Kevin

Data Analyst


Kevin Pla received his B.S. in Business Economics and his M.S. 加州大学欧文分校保罗·梅雷奇商学院商业分析学硕士. His passion for using data as a tool to create informed decisions and his curiosity in higher education lead him to his current role as a Data Analyst at Concordia University Irvine. 在他成为机构研究和高等教育委员会成员的第一年里, he has created multiple interactive Tableau dashboards to help Concordia University Irvine make data-informed decisions. He is excited to continue broadening his skill set in the field of Higher Education to help improve the lives of students.

Melissa Rodrigues

Rodrigues, Melissa

Assessment Coordinator


Melissa Rodrigues joined Concordia University Irvine’s Office of Business Intelligence in 2023 after serving as an elementary school educator for 15 years. 在她担任教师期间,她担任WASC网站协调员. This produced a passion for program review and assessment that she brings to her role as Assessment Coordinator. She works closely with the Educational Effectiveness Committee in helping the academic and co-curricular departments across Concordia University Irvine’s campus as they assess their programs.

Joel Stichler

Stichler, Joel

Integration Specialist


Joel Stichler是康考迪亚大学欧文分校的校友,他获得了神学学位. He started working in the IT Department as a help desk student worker back in 2011 and worked his way up to Client Services Manager. 最终,他发现了对数据的热情,并于2016年加入了数据团队. Since then he has enjoyed learning new programming languages and various software applications. 他目前帮助实施和管理大学新的数据相关软件.

Contact Us

To submit a data request, please visit the Concordia Helpdesk. From there, choose the Data and Technology Department and underneath that, the Data/Reporting/Email Blast Category.

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