


Jerry Campbell于2020年4月1日发布


This presentation is designed to take you through the early begins of the great game of football and how offensive line play and the rules that govern got it has evolved in how we coach it today. 我的手册将介绍术语, 定义, technique and drills which will give you a foundation for which to build your Offensive line fundamentals. The blocking schemes included in this manual are built around the use of zone and man blocking schemes as well as dropback and sprint out passing game protections. 我遇到的一些教练说,为什么区域封锁胜过人防! This manual will explore both zone and man blocking rules and concepts for the running game with implementation of pass protection schemes and alerts.

I have had the great pleasure to have coached in several different states in this country with each state with its own influences. I have found through my experience that trying to gain advantages by controlling the number of defenders a defense puts in the box can be done by formations, motion and type of offensive philosophy you use that influences the type of blocking schemes that a coach might consider implementing into his offensive approach.

执教足球是一项非常复杂的任务. Football is a game that requires physical strength and great psychological conditioning. 因此, a successful offensive line coach must understand about factors contributing to the development of physical strength and football athleticism his linemen possess and the understanding the physical demands interior linemen face. 因此,足球是一项团队运动, 一个进攻线教练需要知道如何操纵心理因素, which influence individuals to interact for a common goal (moving the football and scoring). 因为足球是一项运动, 教练必须了解伸展手臂拦网的物理机制, hands and forearms which involve zone blocking as well as man rule schemes that contribute to quick body movement. 因为足球是一项身体接触的运动, an offensive line coach needs to know how to create practice and playing conditions that offer the greatest success and safety for his players. Do not force a player to learn a certain technique or skill that he physically cannot do.

因为足球在进攻线上需要很多身体技巧, it is necessary for a coach to understand the physical limitations that some players have. 对于教练来说,了解成功的技巧同样重要, 因为这是为了建立他的球员的尺寸和力量. 只教你知道如何解决最坏的情况.

As we all know for the most part offensive linemen are perhaps the least publicized but, 踢足球中最难的位置. It is hard to convince some players who are suited to play up front offensively but prefer playing in the defensive line that great stress is applied more today than in the past because of the need to play players with advanced skills such as speed and strength. 因此, it behooves all coaches to develop a basic philosophy about offensive line play in general and about interior offensive football players.

作为一名进攻线教练, we must be able to convince our offensive linemen that their job is as important as any other part of the game, 他必须不断强调进攻线的价值. As line coaches we must be able to talk to our players in a positive fashion about offensive line play a term that I use is to remind our offensive linemen is " So Goes the Offensive Line So, 进攻开始了." What needs to be instilled into an offense and especially your offensive line is the feeling that whenever we get the ball we will score, 我们只有在进攻线发挥作用的情况下才能得分. As I have already mentioned one of my number 1 goals going into a game is to make sure we get a first down on any first offensive series in the first and second half of a football game, 这建立了信心,事实上我们可以把球转移到对手身上.

Coaches must also develop an approach to the game in terms of the kind of football he wants his team to play. Coaches can use either the simple method and try and keep the offensive plays and line blocking to a minimum or he can use a variety of offensive series and blocking schemes. The one answer coaches search for constantly, what is the best play or method of blocking? It usually appears that every coach has a favorite play or blocking style depending upon his philosophy and the type of players he has on his squad. 但是,对于什么是最好的方法,并没有达成一致意见, 只教你知道如何解决最坏的情况. I never underestimate what our athletes can do if I as their coach have a systematic way to teach them thus, 我知道他们会有一套系统的学习方法. So, it becomes obvious that a coach must have a variety of ways of doing things and must present his own patterns for the offensive Line.

The First Football Game Looked More Like Soccer: If you think that the 1869 rules made the game look more like a soccer match than a football game, 你说得对. The rules by which Rutgers played were based on the 1863 London Football Association’s rules. Gridiron football developed by combining these rules with rugby football rules to evolve into the collegiate football games we see today.

标签: 训练


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